Felix Release Notes
Stay up to date with the latest releases and features from Felix.
February 2025
20 February 2025
Maintain the accuracy of a vendor profile by editing Services
Available for: Vendor Management (Internally Managed Profiles)
Internally Managed Profiles are maintained by the enterprise user, so it’s also a responsibility of the user to edit the profile as information changes to ensure accuracy.
Those with appropriate permissions can now add or remove services for Internally Managed Profiles on the vendor profile. These updates are also included in the Interaction Log to ensure auditability.
Add or remove vendor services in the Services tab of the Internally Managed Profile
6 February 2025
Capture vendors in Felix without onboarding
Available for: Vendor Management
We’ve heard from you that not all vendors are required to go through the onboarding process, yet there’s a need to have their profile recorded in your Vendor List so that you can pay them, store a contract, maintain compliance information or keep track of their historical data.
Some examples are:
- A vendor that requires payment and falls outside of the traditional Felix vendor category. (For example, one-off payments or paying rates to councils).
- Historical vendors that you no longer have active engagement with but are required to be in your Vendor List to improve internal visibility for better outcomes. (For example, blacklisted vendors or contracts of previous suppliers).
- Vendors that are too large or too small to onboard.
- Vendors who aren’t responsive or won’t complete onboarding.
You can now create and maintain Internally Managed Profiles for vendors who do not engage in the traditional onboarding process. These profiles require no vendor interaction, appear in your Felix Vendor List alongside other regularly invited vendors and are only visible to your organisation.
With an internally managed profile you can maintain:
- Key vendor information
- Payment details
- Services
- Documents
- Contracts
- Standard Rates
For our Public API customers, we have made internally managed profiles available in the Vendor Management API for external and custom reporting purposes.
If you would like to use this feature, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager who enable this functionality for you.
Demo video: Create an Internally Managed Profile in Felix
Learn more in our Help Articles:
- What is an Internally Managed Profile?
- Create an Internally Managed Profile
- Managing an Internally Managed Profile
4 February 2025
Update status from 'Declined' to 'Pending Approval'
Available for: Vendor Management
When you decline a vendor’s application in Felix, the vendor is required to amend and resubmit their application.
However sometimes mistakes happen during the review process and asking a vendor to resubmit their application isn’t practical. There may also be occasions where you want to reengage a vendor who have been prevented from reapplying, which hasn’t been an option previously.
We’re now giving you flexibility over a vendor’s status within Felix and have added functionality for you to move a vendor status from ‘declined’ or ‘prevented from applying’ to ‘pending approval’. This action will resubmit the vendor’s application for approval without the vendor having to be involved.
This feature is available for both vendor managed profiles, and Internally Managed Profiles.
Update a vendor's status within their vendor profile
January 2025
9 January 2025
More clarity provided to vendors when they are invited to register in Felix
Available for: Vendor Management
When you invite a vendor to Felix, the platform automatically sends an email asking that vendor to start the registration process.
We’ve updated this email invitation to provide vendors with more clear and concise information to ensure a smooth registration experience.
These updates include:
- Contact details: The email lists the contact details of the person who has invited the vendor, so vendors know who to reach out to if they have questions during registration or queries about the invite.
- Step-by-step instructions: Vendors receive clear instructions on how to set up their Felix account.
- Helpful information: We’ve provided further details to help vendors understand your organisation’s relationship with Felix, and what to do if they need to change the contact email address or add new users.
These changes are also reflected in Felix’s reminder emails, which prompt the vendor that their registration is still outstanding.
An example of the updated vendor invitation email
December 2024
11 December 2024
Be notified of when vendor payment details are approved or declined
Available for: Vendor Management
Felix now sends email notifications when payment details for a vendor has been approved or declined.
This allows you to keep on top of this outcome without having to log into Felix, and easily recognise when a vendor’s payment details have been approved and can be used for payment.
This feature is available for both vendor managed profiles, and Internally Managed Profiles. For vendor managed profiles, the email notification is sent to the vendor user who entered their payment details, and for Internally Managed Profiles this email notification is sent to the enterprise user who created or edited the payment details within the profile.
An example of the email notification sent for approved Payment Details
November 2024
4 November 2024
Request revised offers from quoted vendors on RFQs
Available for: Sourcing
Once you have shortlisted vendors on an RFQ, then there are still often multiple rounds of offers required during negotiations and clarifications. Capturing the progression of pricing during an RFQ allows procurement to demonstrate one element of value as part of the source-to-contract lifecycle.
Previously, Felix only allowed you to capture one offer for a pricing schedule version per vendor, and you had to issue pricing requests to all vendors. Now Felix gives you the ability to capture multiple offers against a single pricing schedule version, for select vendors, so you can manage negotiations after the original tender period is closed.
With this new functionality, you can:
- Capture updated submissions without reopening an RFQ: Issue a post tender request to select vendors only, after the original RFQ period, which enables them to input a revised response. All communications will be private to your shortlisted vendors.
- Track quote revisions during negotiations: When a vendor submits a revised Pricing Schedule (or a basic pricing option, like “lump sum”) during negotiations, you can now toggle to view historic pricing from previous submissions and the latest response.
- Create a clear audit trail of offer rounds: After the RFQ closes, all additional vendor submissions, including pricing, documents and comments, will be time-stamped and available in one place in the RFQ detail view for auditing.
For our Public API customers, we have also made the historical pricing submissions available in the Sourcing APIs for external and custom reporting purposes.
Learn how to send Post Tender Requests in Felix
Learn more in our Help articles:
August 2024
27 August, 2024
Multi-staged approval workflows for RFQs and RFAs
Available for: Sourcing
Many of our customers are working on Joint Venture projects where a single package of work may need to be approved, partially or in full, by different parties before proceeding to contract. In such situations, using a single approval workflow during Recommendation for Award (or to release an RFQ to market) may restrict your process with partners within Felix.
We’ve introduced new functionality allowing users to create several stages of approval within an RFQ or RFA approval form. Each stage will contain an Approval Group and a Route that will be followed sequentially.
Add several stages of approval for RFQs and RFAs
June 2024
4 June, 2024
Adjusting how Felix calculates average evaluations scores
Available for: Sourcing
It's common for some evaluators to select "N/A" on some responses in evaluations as it is out of their area of expertise when evaluation forms cover multiple areas. We accommodate for this, however historically we averaged evaluation total scores which didn't fully respect criteria weightings how you preferred.
To fix this, we've updated the calculations behind average criteria scores. We now average criteria scores across evaluations and add those up to determine the vendor's performance.
To learn more, refer to our Help Centre articles:
- Understanding evaluation scoring
- Understanding evaluations
- How to view assigned and completed evaluations
May 2024
28 May, 2024
Ask our AI-assistant for help and support in our virtual Resource Centre
Available for: All Felix users
Need a little help using Felix? We've launched a virtual Resource Centre that provides you with support and self-service help without having to leave Felix.
Our Resource Centre features an AI-assistant. Simply tell us how you're needing assistance and our bot will search the Felix knowledgebase for quick answers, providing you with the help you need to continue with the task at hand.
Check it out now - log into Felix and click the Resource Centre icon on the bottom right of your screen.
User help is available at your fingertips via our Resource Centre
27 May, 2024
Improving RFQ response rates: Vendors can import data to complete a Pricing Schedule
Available for: Sourcing (Pricing Schedule)
Previously, vendors were required to manually enter details into a Pricing Schedule in Felix. We heard that this could be a frustrating process, especially for larger and more complex schedules - impacting the uptake of, and reducing the benefit of, digital pricing schedules.
Furthermore, we are always looking for improvements to response rates and the speed of the responses on your RFQs.
To solve this problem, we’ve introduced functionality so that vendors can import Pricing Schedule data into in Felix from a spreadsheet. Vendors can use a completed or partially completed schedule - in CSV or Excel file format - to upload into Felix, automatically populating the schedule's line items and reducing the need for manual entry.
For more information, refer to our Help article on How to complete a Pricing Schedule.
Use an Excel or CSV file to import Pricing Schedule information in Felix
15 May, 2024
Automatic notification to vendors when a compliance document is declined
Available for: Vendor Management
Vendors are now informed via email when an organisation declines a submitted compliance document.
Previously, a vendor needed to be logged into Felix to see the status of their submitted compliance documents. Now, an automated email notification is sent and includes your comments as to why the document was declined, so that vendors can organise their documents offline before logging back into Felix to correct the issue.
Inform vendors as to why their compliance document was declined
14 May, 2024
New Pricing Schedule export option for vendors: export as a formatted Excel document
Available for: Sourcing (Pricing Schedule)
As we continue to develop the pricing schedule functionality in Felix, we have added the option for vendors to export pricing schedules as a formatted Excel format - in addition to just the current flat CSV type.
We've heard a few things that drove us to move in this direction:
- That organisations would like documents exported from Felix to better reflect the pride and professionalism that has gone into creating them.
- That vendors sometimes complete the Pricing Schedule as on offline template to upload or email as an attachment and would like it to be more digestible and professionally formatted to fill out.
- That all users would like more guidance on using the Pricing Schedule in Excel, plus formulas for calculations on line-items for more clarity on how calculations work online in Felix.
Downloading as an Excel document , as opposed to a .CSV file, provides professional formatting options such as colours, fonts and cell styles. It also introduces control over input fields and instructions on how to complete the Pricing Schedule, plus formulas for calculations on line-items on how calculations work online in Felix.
Watch this space as we continue to enhance the pricing experience in Felix (for both organisations and vendors), thanks to ongoing feedback from our clients and users like you.
For more information, refer to our Help article on How to complete a Pricing Schedule.
An example of an exported Pricing Schedule in Excel format
April 2024
16 April, 2024
Retrieve details for vendor branches
Available for: Felix API customers
Many organisations want to have vendor branch details in their ERP, so we've introduced two new API endpoints to facilitate this process:
- Vendor Branches: Allows you to retrieve the details of the branches that a vendor has set up in Felix.
- Branch Payment Details: Allows you to retrieve the Payment Details associated with the above branches.
These endpoints use the Vendor Management Module API permission set.
Our API documentation is publicly available at:
- Vendor Branches: https://api-docs.felix.net/#tag/Vendor-Branches
- Branch Payment Details: https://api-docs.felix.net/#tag/Branch-Payment-Details
March 2024
27 March, 2024
Externally review and report on the access levels of users in nominated Security Groups
Available for: Felix API customers
It's important to know what permissions have been set for staff members who have access to Felix, so we've introduced a Security Groups API where you can retrieve the details of what Security Groups your users are a part of.
This will allow you to built reports based on Security Groups and review the access levels of your users within Felix.
The Security Groups API features two endpoints:
- The List all Security Groups endpoint will give you details of the Security Groups ('Administrators', 'Procurement Managers' etc).
- The List all Security Group Memberships endpoint will give you the details of which Users are members of those Security Groups.
Our API documentation is publicly available, you can view the new endpoints at: https://api-docs.felix.net/#tag/Security-Groups
Approvers notified for completion of non-compliant questionnaires
Available for: Vendor Management
Previously, Felix would notify approvers of completed questionnaires if all sections were marked as compliant or partially compliant only.
We heard from you that approvers want to be notified of the completion of all questionnaires, so that they can review and decide on how to proceed with a vendor – even if a section was marked non-compliant. Felix now sends notifications to approvers when questionnaires are completed even if they include non-compliant sections.
26 March, 2024
Delete a Procurement Schedule
Available for: Procurement Schedule
As we continuously improve your experience using Procurement Schedule, we’ve added a function to so you can delete an entire schedule at once - all columns and all packages - rather than deleting column by column when you desire to delete the schedule and start again. Note that this function is only applicable for users with the permission to do so, set by your organisation. A new permission has been added for this function.
Delete a Procurement Schedule
To learn more, see how to create a Procurement Schedule.
20 March, 2024
Identify errors, frauds and scam attempts at the time of vendor onboarding
Available for: Vendor Management
Organisations using Eftsure as their fraud protection software can now integrate their Eftsure account with Felix’s Vendor Management module to further protect themselves against payment error, fraud, and cybercrime.
Connect the two platforms to have vendor payment information verified by Eftsure directly within Felix - when vendors submit these details as part of the onboarding process. This will support ensuring that the vendor bank details submitted are legitimate and save you additional time and effort when validating this information as part of your vendor onboarding.
Ensure you pay the right vendors with Felix and Eftsure:
- Applicable for vendors with Australian and New-Zealand based bank accounts.
- When a vendor provides bank details during onboarding, Felix automatically checks against Eftsure’s database and can return approved results immediately.
- An instant verification result is provided in Felix against a vendor’s profile.
- Eftsure’s real-time verification reduces the effort involved in checking payment information manually
Reach out to your customer success manager for further details and to enable this feature in your subscription.
Keep Felix as your source of truth for vendor data. Use Felix’s native integration with Eftsure to have vendor payment information verified in platform.
Learn more in our Help articles:
- About the Eftsure integration
- How to connect Felix and Eftsure
- Viewing and managing payment information with Eftsure
4 March, 2024
Amend pricing schedules as information changes over the course of a sourcing event
Available for: Sourcing customers
After a Pricing Schedule has been created and issued on an RFQ, there are often changes throughout the RFQ period that require updates to be made to the Pricing Schedule. The Pricing Schedule is also a critical document for both organisations and vendors and hence needs to be controlled similarly to a scope document or drawing.
In the past, Felix allowed you as an organisation user to add rows and deactivate existing ones. You could then inform vendors of the changes. In order to (a) provide more flexibility and clarity in editing; and (b) better control the schedule like a document revision, we made the following changes to the Pricing Schedule and RFQ feature:
- You can now edit all aspects of a Pricing Schedule – all columns, rows and settings - to more efficiently modify and adjust details as information changes. This includes the ability to delete rows and sections.
- Editing key aspects of the pricing schedule will create a draft pricing schedule, which you can then send to vendors as an Addendum. This formalises the change of the schedule for vendors to receive, acknowledge and respond to.
- Editing of internal fields like Custom Identifier is available at all times without the requirement to create a draft and issue to vendors. This helps maintain key information that you typically extract via API for reporting purposes.
Refer to our Help article Editing and issuing a revision to a Pricing Schedule for further information.
To turn on this functionality, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Edit key aspects of a Pricing Schedule and send a new version to vendors as an Addendum
Communicate pricing context to vendors using notes adjacent to pricing
Available for: Sourcing customers
Felix's Pricing Schedule now features a dedicated row type for adding notes, where the intent is clear that the purpose of the row is to communicate information.
Note rows can be added in the middle of a Pricing Schedule, providing vendors with instructions or other information that's important to know while completing the schedule.
Note rows do not display spaces for quantities or values so it's clear that this row won't contribute to the total sum.
To turn on the note row feature (bundled with pricing schedule editing and addendums), reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Add a notes row in Pricing Schedule
February 2024
6 February, 2024
Create stylised RFQ communications so that they are easier to understand
Available for: Sourcing customers
A lot of detailed communication goes back and forth with vendors on RFQs. To help you ommunicate with vendors more professionally and clearly, we’ve introduced rich text editing to all RFQ message types including Addendums, Notice to Tenderers and Direct Messages.
This means you can now format message content by bolding, italicising or underlying text, creating ordered or unordered lists, and more! This will make messages easier to read and help with communicating key points.
Include rich text editing on all RFQ message types
January 2024
23 January, 2024
A fresh look for administration pages within Felix
Available for: Felix administrators
Felix Administrators will notice a new ‘look and feel’ for User Management, Panel Management and API Keys as we modernise the technology behind these pages and transition to a new library of improved UI elements (e.g. buttons, tables and filters) for you to use.
We’ve also added a column for last login on the User Management page so that administrators can get insights into how active their user are in Felix.
An example of the old vs newly enhanced User Management page
Externally report on and monitor your Felix User list
Available for: Felix API customers
We understand that keeping on top of users in your application portfolio is critical to commercial and security needs for your business, so we've introduced a Users API where you can retrieve the details of your staff members who have access to Felix.
This will allow you to build reports based on staff access and track the number of active users you have in Felix.
Our API documentation is publicly available, you can view the section on the new endpoints at https://api-docs.felix.net/#tag/Users.
Note: If your organisation currently uses the Felix API, you will need to generate a new API token to use these new endpoints and give it access under the 'Users' module.
November 2023
22 November, 2023
Option to enforce a sign-off template at vendor invite
Available for: Vendor Management
In large organisations with decentralised users and divisions, clients often have multiple sign-off templates to route compliance questionnaire approvals upon submission. Historically, Felix has allowed the flexibility for users to assign sign-off templates after the invite phase, however for some clients this can slow down the approval process.
If the sign-off template is not selected at the invite stage, then subject matter experts are not notified that they have a task to action, which can lead to a blocker in the approval process.
We’ve now introduced an additional option per panel to enforce a user to select a sign-off template when inviting a vendor. The default option will be ‘off’ for panels and can be turned on per panel.
This will help organisations ensure that delays are minimised in the onboarding process where sign offs are well templatised and need tighter control.
Enforce a sign-off template per panel
November 1, 2023
AI-powered compliance document recognition
Available for: Vendor Management
As part of the onboarding process, vendors are required to upload compliance documents into Felix, and then manually enter information from those compliance documents into required fields.
This task was cumbersome and subject to human error, and mistakes mean there's time and effort involved in having the correct information resubmitted. In fact, we were seeing about 5% of vendors were submitting compliance information in Felix with mistakes.
We've implemented AI-technology in Felix to process the most commonly uploaded insurances, extract the relevant data, and pre-populate these details in Felix.
This results in:
- Reduced duplication of effort: Vendors save up to 85% of their time by no longer needing to re-enter information already supplied in an uploaded document.
- Increased data accuracy: Pre-populated information reduces the risk of errors in compliance information entered in Felix by up to 26%, which leads to less back and forth with vendors to have information corrected and resubmitted.
- Faster vendor onboarding: Reducing manual input of compliance information means vendor onboarding times are decreased.
See how it works:
Learn more in our Help articles:
- Introducing AI-powered compliance document recognition
- How to add compliance documents
- How to update compliance documents
October 2023
October 26, 2023
Vendors can clearly understand what's needed when asked for quote updates
Available for: Sourcing
When you allow a vendor to make changes to a submitted RFQ response, we’ve made some changes to allow them to clearly see what information needs to be resubmitted:
- Optional note to vendor: Enterprise organisation users can now optionally add a note to the vendor giving guidance on what needs an update.
- Improved email communications: Vendors receive an email informing them that updates can be made to one of their quotes. This email now allows enterprise organisations to include a message to the vendor to provide more context around what needs to be updated, and vendors can see this in the email before logging into Felix.
- Visual indication to vendors: Vendors will now see an alert on their Response tab, including the optional note from the enterprise organisation user. This is intended to make it clearer that the vendor has an opportunity to update their quote when in the platform.
October 10, 2023
Enhancements to Addendum functionality
Available for: Sourcing
Previously, vendors were given a checkbox to find and check on the addendum page. This was often missed leading to organisations not knowing if RFQ recipients had seen important changes.
We’ve now made enhancements to the Addendum feature within Felix to improve responses and action from vendors:
- Addendum specific email notification: Vendors now receive an addendum specific email from Felix when there’s an Addendum to review - this email links directly to the Addendum page in Felix to make viewing it easy. No longer is this email lumped with 'RFQ Communications' emails.
- Action bar with acknowledgement/buttons: We’ve added buttons to the bottom of the Addendum page in Felix so that it’s clear the vendor needs to take action:
- Acknowledgement button: Vendors need to acknowledge that they have received an Addendum. So that this step isn’t missed, we’ve added a new Acknowledge button.
- Create RFI button: In the instance that vendors want to request more information, this button is now easy to find by being on the Addendum page.
For more information, refer to our Help Page that guides vendors how to send RFQ messages.
September 2023
September 26, 2023
Directly access evaluations performed on an RFQ, from the RFQ
Available for: Sourcing
You can now access evaluations from within an RFQ. This will allow you to easily make the connection between an RFQ and the evaluations that have been performed, as you will no longer need to exit the RFQ to access the evaluations listing.
When you have at least one quote in the RFQ, within the vendor tab go to Manage Evaluations to see a new dropdown that allows you to View Evaluations. This will take you to the evaluation assignments listing, pre-filtered for that RFQ.
View Evaluations within an RFQ
Further to this, when viewing all evaluations in the Evaluations Listing you will now notice that you can filter evaluations for a particular RFQ.
Filter evaluations for a specific RFQ
See our Help Centre for more information:
August 2023
August 29, 2023
Payment details: Validation of BSB number
Available for: Vendor Management
To improve the accuracy of information submitted for payment details, we are now validating BSB numbers for Australian and New Zealand vendors to ensure the right number of digits is entered with no special characters.
For our enterprise customers, this will assist with extracting accurate payment detail information through the in-app CSV reports or via the API.
We have also performed a clean-up of existing BSB numbers in Felix, removing any spaces or special characters that were incorrectly stored.
August 25, 2023
Usability improvements to Procurement Schedule: Title Column
Available for: Procurement Schedule
We've made some small improvements to the Title Column in Procurement Schedule to help usability:
- Spacing: We've made some adjustments to allow for more room for headings
- Positioning and size options: The Title Column is now locked into the most left position in the table, and can only be L or XL size, to provide more space for Package Group titles
- Avoiding duplicates: We've removed 'Title Column' as an option when creating a new field so that it can't be duplicated.
August 24, 2023
RFx: Greater control over document organisation through Document Groups
Available for: Sourcing customers testing RFx (Alpha Release)
We’re currently in user testing for a feature that allows Sourcing customers to quickly create requests in Felix for the most common type of RFx events, where no approval workflows are required. We’ve named this RFx (Alpha Release).
As we continue to add functionality to this feature, we’ve now added Documents Groups configuration to RFx templates so that you can provide tailored sets of document groups for different sourcing use cases. Document groups are a great way to remind users of the various documents that need to be included, and in what order. And on the vendor side, they have an ordered way to be presented documents to read through.
RFx templates can now be setup to present the default document groups from your organisation, a custom set of groups, or a single group for the simplest sourcing events.
When building your RFx event, you can also add and delete Document Groups (and their documents), so you can adjust from the template behaviour as needed for any unique cases.
Organise and categorise files by using Document Groups
August 15, 2023
Monitor Felix usage more effectively
Available for: account administrators
Keep track of active and inactive Felix users in the User Management CSV export. We've added a new Status column that details who are Active, Inactive, or Deleted so that you can manage your user base.
August 14, 2023
See what's next for Felix in our customer-facing roadmap
Available for: all enterprise users
Ever wondered what we’re working on to continually enhance and evolve Felix?
You can now learn about what’s next for Felix with the launch of our customer-facing roadmap.
We’re excited to bring this to you - where you will not only see what’s being worked on and what stage initiatives are at, but most importantly vote and provide feedback on ideas that we are exploring, and make your own suggestions as to what you would like to see in Felix.
Together, we can shape a better platform to support your vendor management and procurement processes, helping you derive even more value from Felix.
Access our customer-facing roadmap through Felix to see what's next, submit your own ideas and submit feedback
Make sure you check it out now! To learn how to access the roadmap, provide feedback and submit your own ideas, refer to our Help Page. We look forward to building an even better Felix with you!
July 2023
July 26, 2023
Enter contract date information later in the process for RFA and Awards
Available for: Sourcing
You can now postpone the entry of a contract start date and end date till you Award a vendor.
Previously, Felix required that you provide these dates at the Recommendation for Award (RFA) stage, however we have heard from you that this isn't always known at the time of an RFA.
Now, once you have an approved RFA, have finalised the contract, and are ready to complete the Award - you can then enter the contract start and end dates.
July 4, 2023
Clearly see expired or invalid vendor ABNs in your Vendor List
Available for: Vendor Management
When viewing your Vendor List, vendors operating with expired or invalid Australian Business Number (ABN) will be flagged as red in the Business Number column. Flagged vendors may need to update or re-apply for an ABN so that they remain compliant to operate as a business in Australia, which is critical information for you to know prior to engaging in business with them.
Vendors with expired or invalid ABNs are now flagged in the Vendor List
June 2023
June 14, 2023
Improved experience when connecting DMS integrations to projects
Available for: Sourcing
Sourcing customers who use InEight Document or Aconex can connect their DMS to Felix projects in the Integrations tab.
When doing this, we heard that clicking Test Connection before clicking Save was a confusing experience, so we improved this workflow. You can now simply click Connect to establish a connection.
Click Connect to establish a connection with your DMS, without the need to test the connection first
June 7, 2023
ABN verification reduces risk of incorrect details when onboarding
Available for: Vendor Management
We've introduced new technology that allows vendors to enter their Australian Business Number (ABN) to pull business details directly from the Australian Business Register (ABR) when onboarding in Felix.
This will reduce the risk of having manual errors and incorrect vendor details in Felix, as their business information (such as legal entity name, entity type and ABN status) will be correct as per ABR records.
Not only will it save vendors time as they aren't completing these details manually, it will also save you time having to review and check this information as business details will be accurately pulled from the ABR.
Vendors enter their ABN to have business details automatically pulled from the ABR
May 2023
May 26, 2023
Delete manually updated RFQ responses
Available for: Sourcing
If you have updated an RFQ response on behalf of a vendor, you can now delete this response if it’s no longer required. This means that responses can now be resumed and/or resubmitted if there was an error or the vendor’s circumstances have changed.
Learn how to delete a response.
Delete manual RFQ responses if there is an error, if a vendor wants to quote themselves, or if circumstances have changed.
May 25, 2023
Have more visibility into the reasoning behind scores when comparing RFQ evaluations
Available for: Sourcing
We heard from users that more context was needed, in a more readily available and quickly digestible format, when comparing vendor RFQ evaluations.
Now, when reviewing responses to RFQ evaluations in the handy Compare Vendors table, you can easily drill down to see the reasoning behind scores that have been provided by evaluators, and where vendors stood out or fell down on a question-by-question basis..
You can expand the table to see more information, or view as a collapsed table for a quick summary.
When the table is expanded:
- Icons indicate if there’s more information provided as comments or attachments, which you can click on to see more details.
- The scoring scale for a question is shown, along with any custom definitions for that scale
- For example: This now means, that right there in the vendor side by side comparison, that a score of “20%” is explained as 1 out of a scale of 5, and that “1” means “no documentation provided” per your custom scale.
Learn how to view assigned and completed evaluations.
Expand the 'Compare Vendors' table to have more context when reviewing responses to RFQ evaluations
April 2023
April 20, 2023
Upload or revise files at the same time when sending an Addendum
Available for: Sourcing
When creating an Addendum, you’ve always been able to upload new files and update existing files at the same time, however this action wasn’t clear in Felix.
We’ve made enhancements to the Addendum screen (in the Communications tab) that spells out this process more clearly.
Clearly see where you can upload and revise files when creating an Addendum
April 11, 2023
Seamlessly import documents from InEight Document and Aconex into RFx feature
Available for: Sourcing customers testing RFx (Alpha release)
We’re currently in user testing for a feature that allows Sourcing customers to quickly create requests in Felix for the most common type of RFx events, where no approval workflows are required. We’ve named this RFx (Alpha release).
The InEight Document and Aconex integration that currently exists in our Sourcing module is now available in RFx (Alpha release) so that customers can test importing documents, drawings, photos and other project files directly into the request that they are creating for their RFx events.
To use this, the InEight Document or Aconex integration will need to be enabled for your project as per the current process for the Sourcing module.
Import files directly from InEight Document and Aconex into your RFx event request
Help us build a better experience in Felix
If you want to be part of our user research with our Product Team to help us test new and exciting features, sign up here.
March 2023
March 17, 2023
Sealed Bidding to help ensure probity in your sourcing process - now at the project level.
Available for: Sourcing
Sealed Bidding is the ability to keep RFQ responses hidden from stakeholders until the RFQ has closed.
You can already use Sealed Bidding for the whole organisation in Felix, but we understand that not all projects want to be governed that way, so flexibility at the project level was desired.
Sealed Bidding can now be configured per project. This means all responses for RFQs assigned to a configured project will remain confidential until the RFQ is closed, bringing you some of the probity controls your organisation and clients expect.
Turn on Sealed Bidding for your project.
Turn on Sealed Bidding in your project settings
March 9, 2023
Enhancements to Pricing Schedule
Available for: Sourcing
- Automatic scrolling when adding adjustments: When adding adjustments in the Pricing Schedule comparison, you will be automatically taken to the new section that you've just added, saving you time instead of scrolling down to the bottom of the schedule. This is very handy for long schedules.
- Page spacing improvements: We've added more spacing to the bottom of the Pricing Schedule, making it easier for you to interact with the last few rows on the schedule.
March 6, 2023
Avoid duplication of column names in Procurement Schedule
Available for: Procurement Schedule
Some of you may have noticed that if you named two columns to the same, then working out which one to show/hide in the hidden fields function was near impossible. Fields are now organised better in the show/hide list and we added functionality to stop duplicate column names.
An example of the functionality added to stop duplicate column names in Procurement Schedule
March 2, 2023
Improved context and navigation for your vendor RFQ interactions
Available for: Sourcing
On the interactions page for a vendor profile, for RFQ interactions, we have added the RFQ title (in addition to the RFQ number) for additional context and converted the text to a hyperlink for easier navigation to the RFQ in Felix.
March 1, 2023
Enhancements to the document title for InEight Document or Aconex files
Available for: Sourcing
If you're using the InEight Document or Aconex integration to import documents into your RFQ, we've updated the document title format to provide additional details. You and your vendors will not only see the document name, but also the document number, revision number and document status when importing and downloading the documents in Felix. This will help you ensure that the right documents are imported to Felix, while vendors will clearly understand which document revision they are using, reducing confusion and risk for incorrect updates.
More flexibility in building RFQ and RFA approval questionnaires
Available for: Sourcing
We know we have a lot to do in this space and see lots of requests for additional formatting in RFQ and RFA questionnaires.
For now, we have added a new function where you can add a section to questionnaires (for RFQ and RFA) with simply text. We allow rich text editing (fonts, bullets, numbered bullets) and the use of hyperlinks. Questionnaire users will not be required to respond to this section when using the form. This will help in cases that you want to provide more guidance to users or approvers, potentially including external reference information like procedures.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss changes to your RFQ or RFA questionnaires.
February 2023
February 28, 2023
RFx feature now includes Quote Requirements
Available for: Sourcing customers testing RFx (Alpha release)
We’re currently in user testing for a feature that allows Sourcing customers to quickly create requests in Felix for the most common type of RFx events, where no approval workflows are required. We’ve named this RFx (Alpha release).
As we continue to add functionality to the new RFx feature, we have now added the ability to add Quote Requirements to RFx templates. This allows you to ask vendors standardised questions and get Yes, No or N/A responses. Unlike our existing RFQ feature, users can add, edit and delete questions themselves. We are considering application of the "Apply to" functionality you may use on the existing RFQ feature, however are taking some time to rethink and redesign this functionality to make it better.
Help us build a better experience in Felix
If you want to be part of our user research with our Product Team to help us test new and exciting features, sign up here.
February 27, 2023
Commencing the path to more keyboard accessibility for Pricing Schedule and Procurement Schedule
Available for: Sourcing (Pricing Schedule) and Procurement Schedule
We recently released some improvements to allow the use of Enter, Escape, Arrow and Tab keys to navigate and edit schedules in Felix. We still have a lot more to do in this space, but understand how important enhancements like this are to power users used to spreadsheet applications, plus those desiring more accessibility options in general.
January 2023
January 25, 2023
Better recognise what row you're working in
Available for: Procurement Schedule and Sourcing (Pricing Schedule)
When clicking on a cell in Procurement Schedule or in Pricing Schedule (Sourcing module), the whole row is now highlighted so you can keep track of what row you’re working in. You will also notice rows are highlighted as you hover and moving your mouse cursor across the schedule.
An example of highlighted rows in Procurement Schedule
January 24, 2023
Keep track of RFQ responses by manually updating on behalf of a vendor
Available for: Sourcing
We’ve heard from you that understanding the latest quote coverage for your procurement packages is a key driver of success for your project procurement. Having this information in one place, and always up to date is important so that you can adjust the sourcing tactics as needed with your team.
However, bidders are all different in how they are setup to tender. They don't always get around to loading their response in Felix and therefore, would appreciate some flexibility in how they can respond to your needs.
We’ve now added functionality that allows you to update an RFQ response on behalf of a vendor.
You can upload attachments and comments for quotes received offline so that a vendor’s response is seen as Manually Quoted in Felix. You can do the same when a vendor declined the opportunity so that a vendor’s status appears as Manually Declined, so that you know not to follow up with that vendor.
The end result? You can now keep the whole team aligned in Felix with a single source of truth on quote coverage, even for offline responses.
Refer to the Help Guide for more details, including how you can also put a Manually Quoted vendor forward for a Recommendation for Award.
Manually respond to an RFQ on behalf of a vendor
January 17, 2023
Clearly observe row numbers in larger schedules
Available for: Procurement Schedule and Sourcing
For those Procurement Schedule and Pricing Schedule users with a keen eye, you may have noticed the row numbers were cut off when more than three characters long. We've now fixed that.
December 2022
December 12, 2022
Seamlessly import project files from InEight Document into Felix
Available for: Sourcing
Have confidence in knowing your vendors have the most up-to-date tender information by integrating Felix and InEight Document.
Felix’s direct integration with InEight Document allows you to seamlessly and securely import documents, drawings, photos and other project files that support your RFQ.
Felix checks InEight Document daily for any amendments made to documents attached to an RFQ. You can choose to sync these revisions to Felix and send to vendors, eliminating the need to manually update documents twice between the two platforms.
To learn more:
What is the InEight Document integration?
Connecting Felix and InEight Document
Importing from InEight Document
Checking for InEight Document updates
Releasing InEight Document revisions
Felix directly connects to InEight Document, allowing you to easily import files directly into your RFQ
Be notified of suspicious activity around vendor payment details
Available for: Vendor Management
It's rare that a vendor will update both their password and payment details within a short period of time - we would consider this suspicious activity. To help monitor this behaviour, we've introduced a notification to alert organisations of this unusual activity coming from vendors, so you can take any necessary follow-up action.
New notification that warns organisations of suspicious activity
November 2022
November 3, 2022
Easily change the validation of compliance documents
Available for: Vendor Management
Mistakes can happen, and human error means that sometimes compliance documents can be validated or declined by accident. Rather than having to reach out to the vendor to resubmit documentation, you can now update the validation of a compliance document yourself within Felix. Simply open the compliance document and click the pencil icon in the Outcome field to change the status to ‘validated’, ‘pending’ or ‘declined’.
Change the status of compliance documents in the Outcome field
October 2022
October 28, 2022
Easily read the value of compliance documents with new formatting
Available for: Vendor Management
When observing the value of compliance documents within a vendor profile, we've added currency formatting so that these monetary values can be more easily understood.
See new currency formatting under Value column
October 27, 2022
New fields added to the Contracts CSV Report
Available for: Contract Management
We heard that you often distribute the contracts CSV report to other stakeholders and have further details captured in Felix you'd like to surface. We have therefore added the Internal Notes and Scope of Work fields to the CSV export.
See fields for Internal Notes and Scope of Works added to the CSV report
October 14, 2022
Provide more assurance in delivering value from your contracts
Available for: Contract Management
You and your team put in a ton of work to draft and negotiate your contracts. Delivering on the value post-execution requires a timely focus on deliverables, notices and other tasks. We understand that missing even one action can sometimes have significant downside for your business.
We've added functionality to the Contract Management module that allows you to bring key dates to life, and connect reminders for your team to take action.
Make key dates more accessible and bring them to life out of the contract document
Don't miss critical dates or deadlines. Store and keep track of key dates in one summary view for your team and stakeholders to access quickly, without always having to start with searching the large contract document.
Existing key dates are carried across from the Summary tab, and you can add your own
Organise your team and reduce risk by setting reminders
Stay on top of important contract management deliverables and tasks by setting email reminders for team members.
You can set reminders on, before, or after a key date specified in the key dates view - or simply set one for a specific date. And you can assign to team members other than the Contract Owner.
Utilising reminders based off key dates in Felix starts to bring your static contract document "off the shelf" and to life for your team.
Set reminders for a specific date, or connect them to a Key Date
October 13, 2022
Do more in one place with Pricing Schedule
Available for: Sourcing
We've added more power to the Pricing Schedule, allowing you to keep even more of your end-to-end RFP process in one place.
Below is a summary of what's changed, however you can read the detailed information about the enhancements here.
With the Pricing Schedule, you can now:
- Better organise and analyse pricing responses: Organise line-items into sections for easier review, with subtotals that provide an overview of pricing for each section.
- Take the guess work out of line-item responses: Visual cues on each line-item make it easy to identify what has been included in the quote, excluded or not priced.
- Normalise vendor pricing responses in Felix – including non-cost factors: Perform powerful quote normalisation directly in Felix and ensure you're comparing apples to apples.
- Include offline responses in your analysis: Have Felix as your source-of-truth for all responses received all the information you need for comparison and analysis in one place.
- Simplify what you see on screen in your Pricing Schedule comparisons: A new vendor filter allows you to choose which vendors you want to see, and to drill down for a more narrowed focus.
October 7, 2022
Easily add all documents to the Packages tab when creating an RFQ
Available for: Sourcing
To speed up the process of creating an RFQ, once you've uploaded all the documents into your RFQ (step 2) and proceed to the packages tab (step 3), these documents will be pre-selected as the default option to include as an attachment. This also ensures any important documents are not left off the RFQ.
If a document isn't needed, it's easy to deselect before continuing with the RFQ creation process.
Files uploaded into Documents are included as attachments in the RFQ
October 5, 2022
Help internal teams understand why a vendor was invited
Available for: Vendor Management
When inviting a vendor to Felix, you can now capture vendor invite justification, so that approvers can understand the reason why a vendor is being invited, helping organisations to better manage their vendor base.
You can now:
- Select between a simple comment or a file upload: if your organisation requires paperwork justifying why a vendor is being invited to Felix, ensure all relevant information remains in one place by uploading files into your vendor invite, helping to improve internal efficiencies.
- Make justification comments optional or required: decide whether justification comments are required for every invitation to ensure a standardised approach or make them optional to give your users more flexibility.
- Attach vendor tags: attach vendor tags ahead of the vendor creation process in Felix so that approvers can see how the vendor being invited aligns with what’s important to your organisation and save time having to do this later down the track.
Add further justification so that vendors can understand why that vendor is being invited to Felix
Learn more about how to invite a new vendor or how to invite a marketplace vendor.
September 2022
September 15, 2022
Simplifying the RFQ response process for vendors
Available for: Vendors
We've made several enhancements to the way that vendors respond to RFQs in Felix, providing a more intuitive process for vendors, and ideally in turn, more RFQ responses for organisations.
Below is a summary of what's changed, however you can read the detailed information about the enhancements here.
What's changed for vendors?
- An improved RFQ response experience: the Response tab (previously the Items/Packages tab) has been renamed and its contents re-organised to make it easier to find and fill out what’s needed to quote on an RFQ.
- Confirmation of quote submission: as vendors would like more certainty of their quote submission, we’ve changed the experience to make this clearer, and added an optional email confirmation for your offline records.
- Navigation that better mimics the RFQ response process: tabs have been re-ordered to better reflect the workflow that’s followed when responding to an RFQ.
- Documents now only on the Documents tab: documents were cluttering the Response tab, so we’ve moved them on the Documents tab. But don’t worry, we will first direct you to this tab when you first open an RFQ.
What's changed for organisations?
While these changes have no direct impact on the format of information your organisation receives in response to an RFQ, we think it’s useful to know what has changed for your vendors, in case you get any comments or questions.
Two ways you can create column groups
Available for: Procurement Schedule
No need to scroll to the end of the Procurement Schedule to click the '+' button and add column groups. Simply click the '+' button located in your column group header to reveal another option that allows you to perform this action.
Look for the '+' button in the column group header to create a new column group
September 14, 2022
Make sense of zip file downloads with new naming
Available for: Sourcing
When pressing the Download All button to obtain documents that a vendor responded with in an RFQ, Felix generates a zip file. We’ve added the vendor into the name of the zip file, so that you can easily distinguish between the zip files if downloading all documents from multiple vendors.
For example:
Before: RFQ1234.zip
September 13, 2022
Enter accurate contract values for better reporting
Available for: Contract Management
We understand many customers issue $0 contracts such as Frame Agreements and don't wish to complicate reporting with a forced $1 value. So we now allow $0 contract values in the contract repository.
September 9, 2022
Enhancements to drop down lists in Procurement Schedule
Available for: Procurement Schedule
When using drop-down field types in the Procurement Schedule, you told us that in some instances the drop-down lists weren’t showing all the options that you can choose from. For example, when searching for a package status or a package category. This behaviour was due to paginated options in the drop-downs.
We’ve made an improvement here to show all available options on click, so you don’t need to guess what options are available and can navigate the schedule a lot faster.
August 2022
Refer to the August release notes here
July 2022
Refer to the July release notes here
June 2022
Refer to the June release notes here
May 2022
Refer to the May release notes here
April 2022
Refer to the April release notes here
March 2022
Refer to the March release notes here
February 2022
Refer to the February release notes here
January 2022
Refer to the January release notes here
Check out the enhancements made to Engagements
December 2021
Direct Integration: Felix and Oracle Aconex
October 2021
Refer to the October release notes here
New API Extension: Procurement Schedule
August 2021
Product Update: Search Marketplace
July 2021
Upcoming changes: Projects and Services
February 2021
Vendor list improvements - due early March
October 2020
Vendor unlock and decline improvements